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Anti Ship Cruise Missiles North Korea

North Korea Tests Super-Large Cruise Missile Warhead

North Korea Continues to Advance its Missile Program

Test May Signal Expansion of Missile Inventory

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea announced Saturday that it had successfully tested a super-large cruise missile warhead. The test marks a significant development in North Korea's missile program, which currently consists almost exclusively of ballistic missiles.

Analysts believe that the successful test indicates that North Korea may be close to adding cruise missiles to its arsenal. Cruise missiles are different from ballistic missiles in that they fly at a much lower altitude and can maneuver during flight, making them more difficult to detect and intercept.

The test comes just hours after South Korea also conducted a missile test. The two tests have raised concerns about the escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula and the potential for further missile launches in the future.

North Korea has been actively pursuing the development of its nuclear and missile programs, despite international condemnation and sanctions. The country's leader, Kim Jong-un, has emphasized the importance of developing a nuclear deterrent as a defense against perceived threats.
